The Best Flooring Choices You Can Make


Are you buying a new floor and can’t decide which floor type is best for a particular room? This is a problem that many homeowners face. But the good news is that understanding the benefits of the most common flooring options can help extend the life and beauty of your new floor, while providing years of durability and style. Here’s how to choose the best type of flooring, whether you’re renovating a bathroom, refurbishing a bedroom, or refurbishing a kitchen.

For a living room or study: choose carpet, parquet or laminate

Depending on your unique décor tastes, you will find that any of these floor types work well in a living room, study, or family room. Since this room is often the center of attention at home, it is important to choose one of the flooring options that will accentuate your decor, but are resistant to stains, spills, scratches and other imperfections that could ruin a cheaper floor. Carpet is a natural noise masker that can help you save on heating bills. Traditional wood floors add luxury and sophistication to a room, while laminate flooring allows natural beauty to be created by mimicking real-life designs in stone, tiles or slate.

For kitchens and bathrooms, choose durable vinyl or easy-care tiles

Kitchens and bathrooms have their share of humidity. Whether it’s a steam shower or a boiling pot on the stove, you’ll want to choose from non toxic flooring options that are easy to clean and yet easy to maintain. This is why, in these cases, the best types of flooring are longtime favorites, such as inexpensive vinyl or ceramic tiles. The tiles are available in a wide range of patterns to inspire your creativity, and with professional styling, they can resist spills and stains. Vinyl floors are virtually impervious to moisture and come in a variety of patterns and designs that go perfectly with any theme.

Add years of strength and durability to your new floors

Regardless of the size of your renovation or renovation project, you need to be sure that the flooring option you choose will last for years. So when you find a floor that you like, it’s worth asking about additional features like warranties or warranties that can extend the life of your floor. Many types of rugs are guaranteed against stains and spills, and there are often guarantees that for a small fee they will provide much needed protection to your floors. You will want to weigh the pros and cons of the different warranty options to determine what you really need depending on your lifestyle. Don’t forget about the installation! In some cases it is advisable to pay a professional to install the new floor. This is especially true for floors such as tiles and rugs, where special care and tidiness are required to ensure the perfect appearance. The right experience can be invaluable as your new flooring options are a great investment from start to finish.

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