7 Reasons to Consider Having a Celebration of Life Ceremony in Springfield Ohio


Many families throughout the United States have begun straying away from traditional burial and funeral services, and they’re now choosing cremation and celebration of life ceremonies instead.

It’s normal for people to be confused about celebrations of life and how they’re different from conventional funerals, and we’ve partnered up with the celebration of life springfield ohio experts at Jackson Lytle & Lewis to provide you with 7 reasons why you should consider a celebration of life for you or your loved one.

So, check out the below reasons to consider a celebration of life ceremony:

Profound Emotional Support

One of the most common benefits of choosing a celebration of life ceremony is that these ceremonies provide people with a profound sense of closure and emotional healing.

Rather than mainly focusing on the sadness associated with death like most traditional funerals, celebrations of life give friends and loved ones an opportunity to remember the good times that they had with the decedent while coming together with a sense of joy.

This is a very blessed way to alleviate loss and grief while being uplifting and positive during the funeral process—which can go a very long way to support loved ones during these tough times.

Personalized Services

Another reason to consider a celebration of life ceremony is personalization, because this type of service is typically oriented around the decedent’s personal tastes and interests.

Most conventional funerals follow a rather set-in-stone format, whereas celebrations of life are fully customized to reflect the interests and passions of the person that’s being celebrated. This typically makes the service much more meaningful for everyone involved.

Larger Sense of Inclusivity

Celebrations of life are also very inclusive when it comes to accommodating all cultures and beliefs. This is very different than traditional funerals that are often oriented around specific cultural or religious practices.

Celebrations of life are meant to accommodate everyone in a way that makes people feel welcomed and comfortable. This means that celebrations of life are often more appropriate than traditional funerals.

More Room for Creative Expression

Celebration of life ceremonies in Springfield Ohio also offer a lot of room for creative expression. There truly are countless ways to pay tribute and remember an individual’s life, from videos and pictures to speeches, music and outdoor recreation experiences.

It’s not uncommon for celebration of life ceremonies to include interactive moments like movie screenings, karaoke, painting, paddle boarding, or other experiences that represent a lost loved one’s interests.

Cost-Effective Ceremony

One lesser-known reason why people should consider celebrations of life is that they’re much more cost-effective ceremonies as compared to traditional funerals. Funerals often coincide with costs like burial plots, caskets, funeral services, and many other very expensive purchases.

When you hold a celebration of life, you can even use free venues like public beaches, parks, or a private residence. These ceremonies can be as simple or as elaborate as your budget allows, which means you won’t feel stuck with spending a ton of money at a funeral home.


Traditional funerals often involve an open casket, which requires embalming fluids and other negative environmental impacts. This is one reason why celebration of life ceremonies are growing in popularity among eco-conscious people.

Celebrations of life eliminate using actual land space and embalming fluids, and many people will incorporate eco-friendly ideas like tree planting as a part of the celebration. This makes these end-of-life ceremonies much more sustainable as compared to traditional funerals.

Improved Flexibility

Celebrations of life also provide guests with more flexibility in terms of making it to the occasion. This is because families will often be able to adjust locations and timings of these ceremonies, which typically isn’t the case for conventional funerals.

Most traditional funerals occur within a few days after an individual passes away, but celebration of life ceremonies can essentially occur when it’s a little more convenient for everyone.

Reach Out to Jackson Lytle & Lewis to Learn More About Celebration of Life Ceremonies in Springfield Ohio

Celebrations of life are growing in popularity throughout places like Springfield Ohio, and this has a lot to do with the above sections that we listed in this article. Traditional funerals are quickly becoming outdated, and it’s great that families now have an alternative for end-of-life ceremonies.

One of the celebration of life industry leaders is Jackson Lytle & Lewis, and you can check out the link to their website at the top of this page to learn more about planning a celebration of life for you or your loved one.

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