6 Questions To Ask A Rug Cleaning Company Before Hiring Them


Cleaning your rugs ensures that your space is free of the dirt and grime that accumulates over time. To ensure that your rugs are correctly cleaned, it’s important to pick a rug cleaning company you can depend on. The fact is, most people don’t know how to approach this task of finding reliable rug cleaners. To find out more about selecting the right rug cleaning company, here are six questions to ask;

1. Do you have a license?

You need to find out if the company you are considering hiring is licensed to clean rugs. A license shows that they comply with the industry standard and set practices. The license also displays their professional competence to handle delicate, fine rugs.

2. Are you insured?

You should avoid companies that don’t offer insurance for their services. In case of a mishap, they may not be held accountable because they aren’t insured against incidences that could happen during the process of cleaning your rugs.While this isn’t a guarantee that their service will run smoothly, it’s still better than doing business with someone who is uninsured.

3. What rug cleaning services do you offer?

Having a clear understanding of what services are offered before you sign up is vital. Find out the exact rug cleaning services they offer. If they don’t mention specific rug cleaning services, be on the lookout for red flags. Also, find out if they do pick up and delivery services as this will make it easier for you.

4. What products do you use?

You need to hire a company that will answer this question in detail with complete transparency. A good rug cleaning Hermosa Beach company is always transparent about what chemicals and materials they use in the process. They should also have a thorough knowledge of how these chemicals work during the chemical-rug cleaning solution. Asking the right questions will help prevent adverse effects when your rugs are being cleaned with potentially hazardous material.

5. What is the cost of your services?

The price range for rug cleaning is vast, so it’s essential to find someone who can give you an accurate estimate based on several factors. Your rug’s size, type, and the amount of dirt accumulated over time will play into how much it costs to clean your rugs. Always ask for a quote before committing to anything to be sure that you can afford it.

6. Can you give me some referrals?

Conducting thorough research is crucial when looking for a reputable rug cleaning company. One source of information is from other customers who have been satisfied with their services. By asking for references from past customers, you can make an informed decision about whether or not they’ll work for your needs.

Take Away

These questions should help you when hiring a company to care for your rug cleaning needs. Ask as many questions as possible until you feel comfortable that the cleaner you’re speaking to knows what they are talking about.

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